2013 IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems



2013 IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems 将于2013年4月10-12日在浙江杭州举行。欢迎各位老师和同学根据自己的研究课题,踊跃投稿,积极展示最新的科研成果。

The organizing committee is pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems to be held in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, April 10-12, 2013. The purpose of the Symposium, following the footsteps of the previous five editions (2000 Darmstadt of Germany, 2002  Berkeley of USA, < STRONG>2004 Sydney of Australia, 2006 Heidelberg of Germany, and 2010 Boston of USA), is to promote activities in various areas of mechatronics by providing a forum for exchange of ideas, presentation of technical achievements, and discussion of future directions. The Symposium is technically sponsored by the IFAC< SPAN style="COLOR: windowtext">Technical Committee on Mechatronic Systems with the support of the ASME DSCD Mechatronics Technical Committee, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Ministry of Education of China, Chinese Association of Automation, and Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of China. The Symposium will be held concurrently with the 8th International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (FPTC). The organizing committees of the two events have worked out schemes to maximize the participants' experience from technical, social and financial points of view -- one registration fee grants access to both conferences!
The symposium brings together an international community of experts to discuss the state-of-the-art, new research results, perspectives of future developments, and innovative applications relevant to mechatronics, robotics, control, automation, and related areas. Topics included but not limited to Actuators, Automotive Systems, Electronic Packaging, Fault Diagnosis, Human-Machine Interfaces, Industry Applications, Information Technology, Intelligent Systems, Machine Vision, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Micro/Nano Technology, Motion, Vibration, and Noise Controls, Optimal, Adaptive, Neural, and Fuzzy Controls, Opto-Electronic Systems, Real-Time and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, Robotics, System Integration, Transportation Systems, and other Control Applications.  
