2013年电气论坛第14次活动--Dr. Zhihua Qu学术报告Networked Plug-&-Play Cooperative Systems with Application to Smart Grids


Networked Plug-&-Play Cooperative Systems with Application to Smart Grids
报告人:Dr. Zhihua Qu
Professor and Chair of ECEUniversity of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816
Smart grids belong to the general class of network-enabled cooperative systems which consist of individual heterogeneous nonlinear physical systems, a physical network, a network of local communication channels, and network-enabled cooperative control/optimization algorithms. The talk focuses upon new analysis and design tools of such complex cyber-physical systems. The optimal design objectives used include performance and economic benefits of the overall system, cost of installing and maintaining dispersed sensors and local communication networks. Technically, a simple impact coefficient is defined to quantify interactions among heterogeneous physical systems, a fully modular design methodology is proposed to separately design individual feedback controls of physical systems and network-level cooperative control, and the combination enables plug-&-play operation of networked systems. In addition, performance and economic attributes for communication, dynamics and control are formulated, and algorithms of polynomial time to determine Pareto optima of communication topologies and distributed control strategies are presented. Sample results will be presented to illustrate their effectiveness.
Dr. Qu received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in June 1990. Since then, he has been with the University of Central Florida. Currently, he is a Professor and the Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Qu's areas of expertise are nonlinear systems and control, energy and power systems, and robotics. His recent research activities in the control field have been cooperative control of heterogeneous dynamical systems as well as control of nonholonomic systems. In energy systems, his current research covers such subjects as dynamic stability of distributed power systems, anti-islanding control and protection, distributed generation and load sharing control, distributed VAR compensation, and distributed optimization. Dr. Qu is the author of three books: Robust Tracking Control of Robot Manipulators by IEEE Press (1996), Robust Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems by John Wiley & Sons (1998), and Cooperative Control of Dynamical Systems with Applications to Autonomous Vehicles by Springer Verlag (2009). Dr. Qu is a Fellow of IEEE and AAAS, he is serving on the board of ECEDHA, and he is/was an Associate Editor for Automatica, IEEE ACCESS, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and International Journal of Robotics and Automation.